
At Dame Dorothy, our approach is to make our Science lessons as accessible and as practical as possible. This ‘hands on’ approach aims to consolidate learning, explore misconceptions and understand scientific concepts and thinking in a more concrete way. Our Science curriculum involves three key steps of Intent, Impact and Implementation. These steps are helping us to get the best from pupils and inspire them in the subject of Science.


The Science curriculum will generate awe and wonder at the natural world; stimulate children’s natural curiosity and provide practical experiences to understand the process of discovery. In this ever-changing field from COVID-19 to technological changes, Dame Dorothy hope to inspire scientists of the future through fundamental concepts and thinking scientifically. To that end, staff at Dame Dorothy are committed to a ‘hands on’ approach in which children will understand fundamental concepts through experimentation and evaluation. This is to help children understand the scientific method of hypothesizing, testing and evaluation results of findings as well as using and applying skills they have learnt. Furthermore, we intent to make this process as accessible to all pupils, regardless of age, gender or learning need.


The impact of these intentions are:

  • An inclusive programme of study, equipped for all learners.
  • A ‘hands on’ approach designed to inspire and curiosity in pupils.
  • Correct use of scientific vocabulary which they can use in class and across the whole curriculum.
  • Promote high aspirations in the subject to encourage further study and a lifelong passion for the subject.


Our long-term plan highlights our rolling programme of study. This programme adheres to national curriculum standards as well as recapping and building upon previous learning. In EYFS, Children grapple with an exploration of their own bodies as well as exploring the world around them through continuous provision and teacher led activities. In KS1, scientific concepts go deeper with an understanding of the needs of living things. In addition, KS1 begin to explore the properties of different materials and how they can change. Moving into KS2, children explore more fundamental scientific principles ranging from light, sound and electricity to the different internal systems of the body. Scientific thinking is carried all the way through this process as children’s understanding and confidence grows. Assessment is conducted in class and is based on understanding of the scientific concept being taught as well as their understanding of working scientifically.