

Reception Staff

Mrs Gibson EYFS Lead Teacher

Mrs Ho, TA

Mrs Wheatman TA

Mrs Morris/MIss Cole TA job share

This Term in Numeracy

The children will be using and applying their skills in numeracy up to ten. This involves counting forwards and backwards from a given number. The children will become confident in mental recall of all number bonds to ten and using this knowledge to solve problems. Particular emphasis will be placed upon oracy in maths. Making sensible predictions then explaining how they arrived at an answer.


Reception will continue daily “Read Write Inc.”

This is taught daily for 30 minutes every day. Many children have progressed to blending and segmenting with confidence and so regular reading in pairs takes place. Intervention groups are in place for those who need a little extra support.

Vocabulary extension is covered daily in the reading of quality texts, emphasising new words and explaining their meanings.

Oracy is focused upon, where children are encouraged to speak in full sentences.


Reception class, Thursday, and Friday. Please come wearing a kit and trainers.

On Friday, tennis lessons are delivered prior to half term and dance lessons are planned for afterwards. Each Thursday, reception class follow a basic skills program called Real PE or we do yoga.

Topic Work

The topic work that is covered encourages the children to speak confidently and extend their vocabulary and experiences in the following areas.

This term our topic will be based upon the story, Handa’s Surprise. This topic allows the children to explore the African culture. The children learn to compare and contrast lifestyles, native animals, traditional foods, and music too. There is also a heavy emphasis upon the importance of healthy eating.

After half term we will cover a topic of Traditional Tales. The children will then see how the characters come together in the Mr Wolf’s Pancake story. This is a marvellous way to prepare the children for Easter celebrations.

Outdoor Provision

Our EYFS area has an amazing outdoor space that we use as often as we can. Accessing the area requires the children to have their own labelled pair of wellington boots. These are kept in school and are only sent home if they are too small or at the end of the year.

The children also need a come to school wearing a coat that is waterproof. Coats and jackets often get muddy or dirty so please ensure that they are washable.

Don’t forget, if your child comes home dirty it usually means that they have enjoyed lots of fun.


Children are encouraged to pay a half termly contribution of 50p a week. This money is used to support baking costs and special events such as Christmas and Easter parties or treats while on trips.

If the children are going on a planned trip parents will be informed by letter and a contribution asked for. The Friends of Dame Dorothy and the school subsidise these experiences and every effort is made to keep costs as small as possible.

On rare occasions the children might be taken out to places in very short proximity to the school. We have visited the library, the old people’s home or perhaps the shops.

Parent Helpers

We are very keen to set up group of volunteer parents to help out in our garden. This will be to support with sowing, caring for and hopefully harvesting our crops. Please let staff know if you are willing to help.

Reporting to Parents

Parents and carers are encouraged to view their child’s progress on Tapestry. If concerns arise, then please contact a member of the team to make an appointment.

Home / school communications have gone paper free. Please make sure that your Gateway App is working. Any problems please ask for support at the school office.


As you are probably aware we keep an online account to celebrate the wow moments in your individual child’s learning. These can be accessed on your iPad or iPhone. If you are not using your account please do so as it provides a wonderful snapshot of your child within our provision.

If you require any help to log on then please speak to Mr Byers at the main office. He will help you with a log in and a password.

Staff love to see when parents comment and reply to the posts.

Also, keep up to date with our regular posts on Facebook.