Health & Wellbeing

At Dame Dorothy Primary School we are continuing to raise the profile and highlight the importance of mental health and wellbeing for all of our school community.  This area has been identified by the Government as requiring a raised profile within schools and we also feel this subject has a great importance for all. Recent studies have shown that childhood obesity and mental health issues have significantly increased, especially within the North East, which has the third highest prevalence of obesity in the country. As a school we have decided to focus upon the following areas:

  • Physical Wellbeing – mainly looking at exercise and sleep
  • Health Wellbeing – healthy diet, hygiene and the importance of water
  • Mental Wellbeing – managing relationships, emotions and dealing with problems

Through our new, updated PSHCE curriculum and wider school opportunities, we will continue to focus on three main areas which are, relationships, living in the wider world and health and wellbeing.  This includes a focus on the 5 ways to wellbeing ( and how they support positive mental health, as well as opportunities for citizenship and how to stay safe.  Throughout the year children will continue to take part in lessons and activities to support their learning and understanding in these areas. To aid you in knowing what your child is being taught we will provide updates of forthcoming events via our school Facebook page, Parent Gateway, information on our PSHCE curriculum, coverage and policy is available via our school curriculum page.

In addition to this, we will continue to mark and celebrate whole school, extra-curricular events, including (but not limited to) safer internet day, anti-bullying week and Children’s Mental Health Week, Hello Yellow.

Teaching staff and teaching assistants have taken part in iCAMHS training and have received training from Together for Children regarding new RSE updates and expectations, as well as how to deal with difficult situations and questions to further their knowledge and confidence around the subject.

We were recently awarded the bronze charter mark for mental health and wellbeing and are currently working towards our silver accreditation.

Useful websites

5 Ways to Well-being Within school we actively promote the ‘5 Ways to Well-being’ throughout the school from Nursery to Year 6.

Please click here to view our Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy.